Thursday, August 25, 2011

We learned about famous artists this week...

Pretending to be fishing was a popular game all week.

Daubed painting like Monet.

Flowerpot discovered that the Geometric Solids are just the right size to fit in these was fun watching her discover that the triangular solid fit and then go back and get the cube and sphere.

We had another rainy day this week. The "Big Lego Box" is a great way to spend an hour when you are stuck inside.

Painting like Berthe Morisot with textured paint...

A little chit chat over the aqua doodle...

Cards and counters, we have been using shells during the summer....Sparkle was so proud of her work!

Painting like Vincent Van Gogh with impasto....

Monday, August 22, 2011

The children had a great time playing camping this morning.

Egg tempera paint

We are learning about famous artists for the next two we learned about Botticelli, who made his paint from eggs and powdered pigment.....we made our own paint to use.

Painting like Botticelli

Painting on the round with our egg tempera

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The children prepared the soil, planted the seeds, weeded and watered these beans and now they are going to eat them for lunch!

Princess and Peanut love to paint....

We are learning about classification this we learned how to sort animals by if they have a backbone(vertebrates)or not (invertebrates)

Here are some of the invertebrates we found....

a worm
A slug.....

Peanut made a Vertebrate/Invertebrate chart.

Sparkle now finds the mini-cylinder blocks easy to do....I am sure she will enjoy the full-size blocks that I have ready for this fall

This shape sorter is still a little tricky for Sparkle.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Our summer break is over. We have four more weeks of summer term before our fall classes begin.

Bean and Peanut got to see one of our monarch's emerge today.....

It's now ready to bring outside and release...

This game has been popular this summer

A little bit of science, a little bit of math and a whole lot of fun...."The Ice Game"

Peanut and Bean made this girl today....